CCK fields hook_form_alter CCK 欄位的修改
如果大家一直都有看我的 blog
相信都對使用 hook_form_alter() 很熟識
修改, 新增各種說明文字是小菜
這次是修改 CCK 的欄位
一個日期的欄位, 只是很簡單的需要多一點說明的文字,
但我發覺 hook_form_alter 的 $form
是沒有 CCK 的欄位的
因為 form API 的流程還沒有經過 CCK
form API 的 #after_build 正是為這而設
Updating views fields changes field alias names
When views is using fields as output,
you can hidden the field, and echo them in other field templates
you will get an alias, but that alias is willing to change.
So you cannot hardcode that in tpl files.
In order to retrieve the alias and its value:
[Contribution to module] CCK table field
CCk table field is an handy field that let user create a table output by entering
But it lags a check to ensure there is the same number of columns in each row
So there is the patch to fix:
Validate correct number of columns in each rows
查找一個選單的欄位的可選項 Get display values of a dropdown list
在 views 的 $views->exposed filter 可以提取已經提交的表單值
但除了值之外, 一般還需要欄位的其他資料,